Archive for January 17th, 2011

17 January 2011

Romania: A Second Wave of Dead Birds

Hundreds of birds died in Romania, for the second time in a month

Hundreds of dead or agonizing crows have brought terror to a town in the Eastern part of Romania. Since Saturday, the locals of Roman, a town of 80.000 people, have noticed that hundreds of crows fell to the ground dead or in agony in one of the local parks. On Monday, dozens of birds were struggling with death, unable to fly. Local experts suspect that the crows may have been poisoned, but no verdict can be given before a forensic study is conducted.

Some three dozens starlings have also been found dead in Constanţa, by the Black Sea, in Romania, on January the 8th. Veterinarians concluded that the starlings died of cold and alcohol intoxication.

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17 January 2011

Massive Boycott Against Petrol Stations in Romania

Romanian motorists' final bid: complete boycott

Thousands of motorists are expected to withhold from refueling for three days in Romania, starting on Monday, the 17 of January and ending on Wednesday, the 19th. This is the Romanian’s latest attempt to persuade petrol retailers to curb their prices, which are the highest in the European Union – in a country considered to be among the EU’s poorest.

For several weeks, motorists have been paying in pennies for their petrol purchases, in protest, after makins sure that they only filled up with just one litre of fuel in as much time as possible. The prices of petrol in Romania have increased by 30 percent since 2009, although a decrease in demand has been noted by 15 percent in just 2010.

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17 January 2011

Killer Nuns Get Parole

The four nuns and the main culprit, father Corogeanu, standing trial in 2005Three of the four Romanian nuns convicted for the murder of another novice in 2005 have been released from prison, on good behaviour. In 2005, the four nuns and the priest Daniel Corogeanu, from the Tanacu monastery in Vaslui, Romania, crucified 22 years old novice Irina Cornici for three days with no food, nor water, in a bid to “rid her of demons”. The girl was suffering from schyzophrenia and her symptoms were considered by the priest a form of “demonic possession”. The priest received a 7 years sentence, while for of the nuns were convicted to a five years term each. They all claim, to this day, that they were just “serving the will of God”. The priest is up for release by January 2012.

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